The Bixby Center for Population, Health, and Sustainability
The Bixby Center for Population, Health, and Sustainability is dedicated to helping achieve slower population growth within a human right framework by addressing the unmet need for family planning. The Center seeks to improve the health outcomes of world’s poorest and most vulnerable women and their families.
Center for Environmental Research & Community Health (CERCH)
CERCH strives to understand and reduce the risk of environmental threats to children’s health, locally and globally. To accomplish this mission, we investigate exposures to future parents and children; evaluate their effects on child health, behavior, and development; and translate our research findings into sustainable strategies to reduce environment-related childhood disease. We aim to accomplish these goals through community-based partnerships.
Innovations for Youth (I4Y)
Innovations for Youth (I4Y) catalyzes innovative interventions, practices and policies to improve equity and well-being for youth locally and worldwide, focusing on the social determinants of health, health disparities, connectedness, and networks for adolescents through a multidisciplinary and multigenerational approach. I4Y allows for efficient and effective collaborative work to address the multidisciplinary nature of the issues facing adolescents and the complexities that some of the interventions may require.
Helen Wallace Center for Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
The Wallace Center advances maternal, child, and adolescent health and reduces health disparities using innovation, technology, and community engagement. The Center will also train new leaders through fellowships, summer internships, graduate student research positions, and postdoctoral opportunities. Please visit to stay updated on the Center’s activities.
Berkeley Population Center
The mission of the Berkeley Population Center is to promote research and collaboration in all aspects of population studies within our signature themes of Reproductive Health and HIV, Population Health, Family Policy, as well as Data Science and Demography, and Formal Demography. Research covers topics in the domains of fertility, reproductive health, and sexual behavior, as well as family structure, family-oriented policies, and other areas related to population health.